
Short bio
Dr. Sinan Tankut Gülhan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Zielona Góra, Poland. He completed his Ph.D. in Sociology at SUNY Binghamton in 2014, with a dissertation focusing on urbanization and housing in Istanbul. His research interests span urban theory, Turkish urbanization, urban history, sociology of urbanization, and critical perspectives in architectural history and urban planning. In 2020, he received his habilitation in sociology from the Turkish inter-university board.
Dr. Gülhan's academic career includes teaching positions at SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Oneonta, and various institutions in Turkey. His professional experience extends beyond academia, encompassing roles in market research and as a consultant for large-scale social impact assessment projects.
Initially specializing in qualitative analysis, Dr. Gülhan has expanded his expertise to include quantitative methods. He is proficient in SPSS, developing skills in RStudio, and works with Python for web scraping and data mining. His current research focuses on spatial analysis of real estate markets using QGIS. Dr. Gülhan is also experienced with Linux web server environments and Google Cloud Platform.
For more information, visit his Academia.edu profile at https://sinantankutgulhan.academia.edu or LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sinan-tankut-gulhan .
Instytut Socjologii
Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Budynek A-17, pokój 205R
al. Wojska Polskiego 69, 65-762 Zielona Góra
E-mail: sinantgulhan -at- outlook.com
Sinan Tankut Gülhan, Rize-Hemşinli bir ailenin ilk çocuğu olarak 1980’de Ankara’da doğdu. Kentçi ve/veya şehirci, sosyolog ve üniversite hocasıdır. Lisans derecesini 2003’te sosyoloji alanında ODTÜ’den, yüksek lisans ve doktora derecelerini ise gene sosyoloji alanında SUNY-Binghamton’dan aldı. Doktora tezi İstanbul’a dair herşeyi izâh edip sorunsallaştırma hevesinde olan “Onurlu İstisna: Istanbul’da Devlet ve Somut Mekânın Toplumsal Üretimi”dir. ABD’de iki, Türkiye’de altı üniversitede ders verdi. Birikim ve Mülkiye dergilerinde yazıları yayınlandı, sair sosyal mecrada kent ve siyaset hakkındaki konuşmaları izlenebilir. Hâlihazırda Gaziantep Üniversitesi sosyoloji bölümünde çalışmakta, Kent Çalışmaları yüksek lisans programının yürütücülüğünü yapmaktadır. Kent ve şehirciliğe dair herşey, sosyolojinin türlü veçheleri, sosyal teori, toplumsal hareketler ve tarihsel sosyoloji hayli geniş ilgi alanları arasında şu vâkitler önde gelmektedir.
Short CV
Contact Info:
Associate Professor, Gaziantep University Faculty of Arts&Sciences, Dept. of Sociology
Graduate Program for Urban Studies Program Coordinator
Office Address: Gaziantep University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Dept. of Sociology, 2nd Fl. Rm: 206
Phone: 90-342-317-1828
Personal Web Site: www.sinantankutgulhan.com
E-mail address: sinantgulhan-at-gantep.edu.tr; sinantgulhan-at-outlook.com
2014 Ph.D. in Sociology, SUNY at Binghamton
2005 M.A., SUNY at Binghamton
2003 B.S., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Major: Sociology, High Honors
Areas of Interest:
Urban Theory, Critical Political Economy, Urbanization in Turkey, Suburbanization in the Peripheries of the World-Economy, Class Formation and Middle Class Experiences in Turkey, Real estate markets, web-scraping, data analysis
Recent Publications:
1872 London Congress and the Nineteenth Century Prison Reform Movement: An Inquiry into the Discourse of Punishment”. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences 16 (2017): 1148-1159. DOI: 10.21547/jss.346044
Ezilmiş ve Aşağılanmışlar: 1960’lar Türkiye’sinde Gecekondu Meselesi.(The Insulted and Humiliated: The Gecekondus in the 1960s’ Turkey) Mülkiye Dergisi, 41(1), 195–230. March, 2017.
“The Dialectics of Post-modern Urbanism: Allegory, History, Memory, and Flexible Accumulation,” Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 15, No: 4, 2016. 1017-1028, DOI: 10.21547/jss.265445.
Devlet Müteahhitlerinden Gayrımenkul Geliştiricilerine, Türkiye’de Kentsel Rant ve Bir Meta Olarak Konut Üreticiliği – Konuta Hücum. (From State Contractors to Real Estate Developers: Urban Land Rent and Housing as Commodity) in İnşaat Ya Resullullah, ed. Tanıl Bora, Birikim Yayınları, 2016.
Sosyolojinin Suistimali: Sosyal Vicdan, Asabiye ve Bir Meslek olarak Sosyoloji, (Conscience collectif, asabiyah and Sociology as a Profession: Misrepresentation of Sociology in Turkey) Modus Operandi, I, March 2015: sf. 247-256.
Orta Sınıfı Niçin Öldüremeyiz I: Ekonomi-Politik Mülahazalar. (Why can’t we get rid of the middle class: Lessons from Political-Economy) Birikim, 306, Ekim 2014: sf. 42-55.
Teşhisin Tedhişinden Çıkış: Gezi Eylemleri Üzerine Sosyolojik bir Araştırma için Öneriler (Exit Through the Suppressive Diagnoses: Suggestions for a Sociological Research Agenda on Gezi Movements) in Gezi Eylemleri Karşısında Sosyoloji, eds. Öğütle, V.S. and Göker, E, Ayrıntı, 2014
Özgürlüğün Coğrafyası: Mekânsallığın Triyalektik Praksisi ve Bütünsellik Arayışına dair bir Tahlil (Geography of Liberation: Trialectical Praxis of Space and an Attempt on Understanding Lefebvrian Totality) Mülkiye Dergisi, 37 (1), 2013
Önsöz, (Introduction) in David Harvey, Sermayenin Sınırları, (Limits to Capital) Tan Kitabevi, Ankara, 2012
“Paralel Dünyalara Giriş: Erzurum’da Türklük ve Alternatif Moderniteler,” Birikim, 274
“Devlet Müteahhitlerinden Gayrımenkul Geliştiricilerine, Türkiye’de Kentsel Rant ve Bir Meta Olarak Konut Üreticiliği – Konuta Hücum,” Birikim, 270